Hormone Replacement Safety Update

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Hormone Replacement Safety Update
Written By: Dr. Anderson ~ 6/20/2024


There is great new research, published in JAMA, which indicates that hormone replacement therapy is safe for most women. In 2002, thousands of women were left without hormone treatment for menopausal symptoms with the publication of the Women’s Health Initiative Study. This study was flawed in multiple ways. The age group studied were women over 60 and the use of hormones that are not bioidentical, were the primary issues. It was overstated in the media that women were at increased risk of cardiac issues and breast cancer.

Today, we now know that women that use estrogens and progesterone that are identical to what is produced in their own bodies, do not have an increased risk of cardiac events or any fatal breast cancers. Treatment is also recommended in the perimenopausal time frame to not only relieve symptoms but to prevent osteoporosis. There is also a lot of emerging data that shows the benefit in women’s cognitive function, cholesterol and blood sugar management, maintaining weight and overall quality of life.

Today we have many options for hormone replacement including creams, patches, gels, intravaginal applications as well as oral medications. If you are suffering with menopausal symptoms or simply want to discuss maintaining overall health and longevity, talk to a bioidentical hormone replacement specialist in your area. If you are in Washington state and would like to schedule an appointment with Dr. Anderson, you can contact us here.