Not every consultation has to be in person. Whether a patient has concerns about physically meeting during a pandemic or lives out of the area, Dr. Nicole Anderson provides the option for telemedicine at her Bothell-based Anderson Natural Medicine.
It is important to understand that telemedicine is not available in every situation, as there are certain symptoms—such as ear pain or abdominal pain—that Dr. Anderson can’t evaluate remotely. Also, telemedicine requires that a patient have a computer with a camera or smartphone capability.
Visits that do not require a physical exam or visits for conditions that can be viewed on screen can be done virtually. This may include a review of lab results, a medication review, or visual examination of some skin conditions. Fatigue, anxiety, allergies, sleep issues, and menopausal symptoms are other examples of conditions that may not require a detailed physical exam. If you are unsure if your visit can be done using telemedicine, please ask when you schedule your appointment.
Conditions that should not be assessed using telemedicine include abdominal pain, back pain, headaches, heart palpitations, some respiratory conditions, eye or ear conditions, or recent injuries.
To arrange a telemedicine visit, you must first contact the office to schedule an appointment. During your appointment-setting call, you must specify which of the various available platforms you want to use, as well as provide your contact information, such as an email address or phone number.
Ideally, virtual appointments will be scheduled using CHARM, an electronic health care portal.
Maybe. Temporary alternatives to electronic health care software systems include Zoom, Facetime, and Skype. The federal government made it possible to use these platforms during the COVID-19 pandemic. These platforms are not HIPPA compliant and do not protect patient privacy. If restrictions for privacy have been re-implemented at the time of your appointment, we will not be able to use those platforms.
We do not recommend using platforms that are not HIPPA compliant. The CHARM telemedicine portal has advantages! Dr. Anderson can share test results on the screen with you, it can be used on a computer or mobile device, and multiple people can be on the virtual appointment together. This is a great feature if a parent is joining a virtual appointment for a child who may be away at school. CHARM is also secure and HIPPA compliant, so your personal medical information is protected.
Existing patients will need to have set up access to their account through the CHARM patient portal. (If you have not done this or are not sure, please make sure we have your current email on file and correct date of birth, and we will send a link to your email.) You may join the waiting room 30 minutes prior to your appointment time. To do so:
New patients without portal access can use the direct “Join URL” link sent to your email. Prior to your appointment time, you will follow steps one through three listed above.
If there is a known co-pay due, your card information will be taken at the time of the appointment. Payments for copays or coinsurances can be made directly through the portal.
At the conclusion of your appointment, you will be able to access all treatment recommendations and other related documents via access to your personal chart in the CHARM system.
All subsequent e-mails to Dr. Anderson should be sent via the CHARM system as opposed to a non-secure system (such as Gmail) in order to protect your healthcare data.