You Are Your Own Best Friend

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You Are Your Own Best Friend
Written By: Dr. Anderson ~ 8/29/2024


As life gets busier and we get more and more overwhelmed, many of us continue to give our time and attention to others, even at our own expense.

Most of us give our time and attentions to children, family and friends for decades with the intention of focusing on ourselves at some point. When do you actually reach that point though? If you’re noticing that you’re feeling overwhelmed, resentful or maybe even irritated at people for no obvious reason, you might have reached that point! It’s time to give yourself some quality time. It’s time to be your own best friend!

When was the last time you had a few moments of silence? Have you walked or sat in nature yet this summer and simply observed what was around you? Have you noticed the wind in the trees, a bunny munching on a plant (probably in your own garden) or a call of a mother bird to her baby in a nest to encourage their flight?

This might be a good time to take a few minutes, or hours, if you can, to recharge your own batteries. Refresh and reconnect with nature on a regular basis to keep yourself grounded. It may help you feel more connected to yourself and with others that you care about.

Dr. A