Muscle Pain and Trigger Points

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Muscle Pain and Trigger Points
Written By: Dr. Anderson ~ 7/18/2024


Trigger points are localized areas of muscle fibers that become tight and sensitive. These “knots” can cause pain that is local or radiating as well as restricted movement. They often form due to acute trauma or repetitive micro-trauma, leading to stress on muscle fibers. You might feel these knots when you rub your muscles.

The most common trigger points are in the upper back above and on the inside of the shoulder blades. Other common trigger points are in the mid and low back and the neck.

Benefits of Trigger Point Injections

  1. Pain Relief: Trigger point injections (TPIs) provide relief from myofascial pain. The procedure involves injections directly into the trigger point. Injections may consist of saline solution, natural homeopathic solutions, anesthetic, corticosteroids and even botulinum toxins such as Botox or Xeomin. When the tight muscles attach to the neck and head, they frequently cause headaches and migraines which can be relieved quickly with injections. While the injection itself can be momentarily painful, it often alleviates pain for about a month or longer.

  2. Improved Functionality: By reducing muscle tension and promoting healing, TPIs enhance functionality. Patients with painful trigger points often experience improved mobility and mood.

  3. Safe and Common: TPIs are generally safe and commonly used. They work well when other treatments (such as over-the-counter pain medication, heat therapy, massage, or physical therapy) haven’t provided sufficient relief1.

If you’re struggling with chronic muscle pain and tightness, you don’t have to! Click here to schedule your appointment with Dr. Anderson today to see if trigger point injections are right for you.