Meditation Improves Sleep And Health But How Do You Do It?

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Meditation Improves Sleep And Health But How Do You Do It?
Written By: Dr. Anderson ~ 5/23/2024


The word meditation is used frequently but most people don’t have a clue as to what it is or how to do it. Many people think to meditate is to “quiet the mind” and to have no thoughts at all. This is virtually impossible to do as a human being.

Being in the present moment is a great way to understand it. When was the last time you were present in the moment, not thinking of the next text message, email, meal or trip to the store that awaits you? Most people are in the present moment only a few times per day and only for a few seconds.

Stopping to smell the roses is a great way to be in that present and meditative state. Listening to the wind rustling the leaves of a tree, watching a white cloud move slowly across a blue sky, listening to the purr of your furry feline, these are all simple things we can experience daily. The trick is to stay there for as long as you can and to do this frequently. If thoughts creep in while you’re trying to stay focused on the now, don’t judge them. Simple acknowledge them briefly and allow them to float past knowing that they will certainly be there later. If later is an hour or 2 minutes, they will wait for you, rest assured.

You do not have to sit on a pillow in the lotus position with eyes closed chanting. It’s fabulous if you can do that and closing the eyes takes away visual input that could be distracting. But that doesn’t work for everyone, and let’s face it, for some of us it’s a bit hard on the knees! If, however, the meditation involves focusing on something beautiful, then great! I love having fresh flowers in my home and will often marvel at the perfection of some the flowers for a while, simply to be present in the moment and appreciate them.

The more we practice being mindful or being in the moment throughout the day the easier it will get and your body will be accustomed to a more relaxed brain state which is part of our sleep process. Over time, sleep usually improves and positive changes in blood pressure and blood sugar levels can also improve.

Find the moments that bring you beauty and joy and focus on them often and for as long as you can and enjoy the health benefits of being present.

Dr. A